Resource Yourself using Mindfulness

Ever feel completely overwhelmed by life? Do you get frustrated at all the unfinished projects and lack of time or energy?

You may need to be resourced. Being resourced is something all humans need. Most of us don't know we are already beyond our capacity and accidentally take on too much; then feel bad because we can't keep up.

If you're used to going it alone and have learned it's not cool to focus on yourself, you may benefit from taking a few short minutes to resource yourself with the mindfulness series below.  

Group 1: Mindfulness Practice for Beginners

Hello! If you are absolutely new to mindfulness or meditation, these short practices are designed to help you get your feet wet. If you've already got some skill, jump to Group 2: Getting to Know Your Attention Series.

This group features short practice sessions of three of the Unified Mindfulness (UM) basic techniques. Each session includes a short introduction and a 1 minute practice period.

These sessions focus primarily on attention skill building, which is extremely useful to have built up as you encounter more difficult content later on.

Have fun!

Group 2: Getting to Know Your Attention Series

In this 3 part series, we'll be exploring the movement of your attention! Are you in touch with the natural rhythm or flow of your attention?

It's helpful to understand how your attention naturally moves and is easiest to tune into when you are sitting still so we'll start there.

The movement of your attention can be subtle and it usually goes unnoticed in daily life but with practice you can begin to understand how it moves and what you're naturally drawn to in any given moment.

When you know how your attention moves, you know how to direct your attention in ways that help you stay focused in any normal activity you do in daily life, reducing overwhelm.

Group 3: Emotional and Physical Healing Guided Meditations

Emotional Healing. Having strong feelings today? Did you know that feelings often subsided with just a little dose of attention. Turning your focus toward what your feeling is a great way to give yourself a dose of empathy.

Enjoy a short practice to help you tune in, meet, and greet your emotions and build up your emotional capacity to serve others.

Working with Chronic Pain. Oh, pain. What can I say? It's one of the biggest issues I faced. Because I got so good at holding in all my emotions and pushing myself beyond my nervous system's capacity, I suffered from a condition called Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) for most of my life.

With those years in mind, I designed this short practice to help you tune into the restful aspects of your experience that often get overshadowed by unpleasant physical sensations. The more capable we are of finding rest, the more stored tension can release.

Group 4: Mindfulness for Collaboration, Conflict Resilience, and Teal

Building Conflict Resilience. Conflict happens and can create a lot of tension and mind rumination until it is resolved. While you may not be able to resolve that conflict today, you can tune into the dynamic nature of human relations for a few minutes.

Conflict Resolution and Collaboration. What's me? What's you? Time flies when we're in either a tough conversation or a tense team meeting. Understanding the difference between our inner and outer experiences (my inner voice versus your voice) helps us be in the moment and respond quickly in kinder ways.  

Let's start building that discernment muscle using this short practice period based on the See Hear Feel technique.

The tools keep coming...

Group Five: Mindfulness series, "Effortless Empathy", specifically suited for Non-Violent Communication. This five-part series was delivered to a small group of participants at CNVC's International Intensive Training in beautiful Sirince, Turkiye in October 2023. Meanwhile, enjoy free mindfulness practices and meditations below.

Coming soon!